5 Quick SEO Tips for 2024


Easy and Actionable SEO TIPS That Can be Completed in a Weekend

  1. Get your titles, descriptions, and URL’s optimized
    The easiest place to begin is on your titles! Make sure that each individual page has its own unique title, using keywords to describe the contents of that page. Use the same principle when updating your page description.

    While it is important to give each page (including blog) an optimized title, make sure that you set up a 301 redirect on any URL that you change. Not doing so will create a broken link, and land your visitor on a 404 error page.

  2. Remove zombie pages
    Zombie pages are the ones with outdated content, little wording, no engagement, and don’t do anything to benefits your website. You were probably first starting to write, and produced content just to put it out.

    Google has said that it prefers high-quality content on pages, that provide value for site visitors, and increase traffic. These low-quality pages are burning your recourses.

    Before you go deleting the first year of your website, make sure that you set up a 301 redirect. NEVER delete without directing traffic to a relevant page on your site, even if no one has ever visited that link. Not doing so can harm your SEO, if a broken link is crawled.

  3. Add more internal links
    If you want a page to rank quicker, then link to that page from others on your website. This will show Google this page has authority and importance.
    After you publish a new article, go back into your old blogs (that are relevant) and add links to your new content.

  4. Ensure all your images have alt text

    Alt text is another word for image title. Your titles should include a keyword from that page, but also properly describe the page and image. Do not keyword stuff.

    Google images makes up more than 10% of all searches. When your alt text properly describe that image and page contents it will give search engines more content crawl, increasing your rankings on that page.

    Which do you think would help a blog post about a wedding day more:
    “Bride and groom kissing at the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City, MO during their summer wedding”

  5. Get rid of your shady SEO of the past

    Keyword stuffing? Hidden text? Link baiting? These techniques are considered “black hat”. Google wants to see that you provide high quality content to visitors, and these methods will get picked up by search engines and be considered spammy. Using any sort of shady SEO means will only get you dinged in searches. Remember, the data on your page should be relevant to the content being displayed.

SEO TipsGretchen Rushing